My Word for 2015

I suppose for someone who writes, picking a word to define the coming year makes sense. After all; it’s the same process with my stories. By the end of planning a story, I have a vague idea of what themes may …

To-Do Lists and Countdowns

The stress has set in.  In two weeks, I’ll be on the train up to York for FantasyCon. In three weeks, I’ll be on the train up to London for my Mental Health job. In three weeks and one day; after …

Sekrit Project Takeover

I’m in the final stage of a major sekrit *secret* project (which I hope to share soon), and thus I’m in survival-mode writing wise. Currently, that means writing my daily minimum of 429 words (3,000 a week) and, if I …

Milestone: One Year

It’s been a year since I started this website. I’ve already written about the past year; when I said farewell to 2013, and reflected about key lessons.  So far in 2014, I’ve found flaws in Planes Shifter, began re-writing Resilience and …