The re-write of Planes Shifter is going surprisingly well. I’ve written at least 429 words a day for 46 days in a row now. That’s 19,700 words. And in reality, as I often go over the minimum; I’ve written 32,522. – I …

Mid-May 14 :: Life Update
I’ve not posted at all in the last week; something incredibly rare for this blog. I also don’t have any particular explanation. Yes, there have been things going on in my life, but I usually manage to work around them. …
Growing as a Writer: Trying Old Things
In the last 30 days, I’ve written 23,000 words. For a non-NaNo month, that’s pretty good going. I made a commitment, “just for a while” to write every day – like with NaNoWriMo, but on a smaller scale. I picked …
April Update: Goals
It’s May! Happy Beltain! At the beginning of the year I set myself four goals: track my daily wordcount, write a minimum of once a week, “sort out” Resilience, and submit my manuscript to someone by July 1st. April is …
My Writing Process [Blog Tour]
Last week, my blog friend Cat Lumb tagged me to take part in the writing process blog tour. I love reading about the processes other writer’s have, and so I jumped at the opportunity to share mine with you. The …
Sekrit Project Takeover
I’m in the final stage of a major sekrit *secret* project (which I hope to share soon), and thus I’m in survival-mode writing wise. Currently, that means writing my daily minimum of 429 words (3,000 a week) and, if I …