Writer Life & Lessons

Mid-May 14 :: Life Update

beltain14 012I’ve not posted at all in the last week; something incredibly rare for this blog.

I also don’t have any particular explanation. Yes, there have been things going on in my life, but I usually manage to work around them. As it turns out, right now, that hasn’t happened. (I even forgot to pay my credit card off until yesterday:: something I do on the 1st weekend of every month)

– OH had food poisoning and I spent the weekend caring for him and cleaning his kitchen

– Sekrit Project is in iteration 4 and 5. I’ve already said no to 6. News on the next stage will come by the end of next week. If negative, I’ll have to begin iterations 7 and 8. If not, then I can finally share about it.

– I’ve had some new deadlines looming for dayjob and general life.

– I’m 3 books behind on my 2-a-month challenge. Having said this, I began reading WARBREAKER by Brandon Sanderson yesterday and I’m currently 50% through it.

– I’ve… not been ill, but I’ve been in a constant state of run-down-ness. I’m not sleeping at regular times, not always eating decent healthy food, and I’m generally in a close-to-tearful state. This has led to being late to work more than once in the past fortnight, and generally feeling overwhelmed and anxious about life.


So I’ve been thinking about priorities. Sometimes, it’s okay to put writing second.

Yes, this is my contact with the world; and I value my blog. It’s important to have a routine or posting and I’m sorry I missed that last week.

But when someone I love is kneeling over the toilet and I need to get him some water and a hot water bottle; actually writing shouldn’t come first. Unfortunately, my dayjob has to come first because that’s how I afford food and shelter. I also work with vulnerable people who need me to do what I say I will. I’ve been meeting my ‘minimum’ of 429 words a day because taking 20 minutes out to write gives my brain a break from these worries.

So far this month I’ve written 12154 words. That makes my 2014 novel-writing wordcount so far 58,780 words. If I can keep up this chain, I’ll be back on track for the end-of-year writing goal by the end of the month.

How do you manage priorities in your life? What comes first? 

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