A Review and Plans for 2020

I’ve hesitated to write and post this, because 2019 was not a great writing year. I wrote 51,173 words, which is the lowest for nearly a decade. This may also explain, at least in some part, why I’ve gone from …

Book Reviews :: 2019 :: Part II

In my last review post, I covered the first 4 books of the year, after 10 months of minimal progress… But as is often the case, I‘ve reached that last-minute rush of the final week of December… And here’s what …

Balancing the Books

Those who have seen my self-help articles or had coaching sessions with me know I go on and on about having multiple small goals and adding up to accomplishments with baby steps. But the reason I keep talking about them …

Book Reviews :: 2019 :: Part I

Ignoring the fact it is June September by the time this post goes up, my aim of reading 12 books was set again for 2019… I can at last share that I finally finished a book this year. And even …

My Day Of Birth Has Arrived, Again

It’s my birthday tomorrow and I’ve celebrated it well today with a walk around town, new clothes + boots and a batternberg-milkybar-flake shakeaway milkshake. Yes, it was Incredible.  Five stars. ~ Tomorrow’s plans involve eating angel cake, opening wrapped gifts, …