Weekend WIP #4: Balancing Time

This week I’ve had a slight lull in my writing — our new tenancy has begun, we’re setting dates for the official move in, and my job is changing form. I’ve taken most of my books to my parents house, sorted through …

Book Reviews :: First 10 of 2014

I had intended to do this 3-monthly, but the months got away from me and I got behind in my reading (as usual) , so settled on a half-way update instead. So here are my reviews of the first 12 books (6-months-worth) …

Weekend WIP #2: Keeping Track of Projects

Many writers find ways to procrastinate from actual writing, and I’m certainly one of them. Finishing Average My most recent affliction is completing statistics about my projects; beginning with Chuck Wendig‘s Finishing Average. This is the number of finished novels, …