Writing Process - Revising

Weekend WIP #4: Balancing Time

books 011This week I’ve had a slight lull in my writing — our new tenancy has begun, we’re setting dates for the official move in, and my job is changing form. I’ve taken most of my books to my parents house, sorted through my wardrobe to cut it down, and OH and I are discussing what we’ll be needing to adopt some fur-babies.

Writing-wise, I’ve been having a few snippets of new ideas; a plot idea here and a character profile there. However, I’ve committed myself to a minimum of 55 new words a day during the editing process, which keeps me from stagnating.

This week, I passed 100,000 words written so far this year, and I’ve edited 9/64 scenes of Planes Shifter.

So considering how hectic things are, forward progress is being made. And really, that’s all that matters.

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