Tomorrow, I’ll be heading up to Nine Worlds Geekfest at Heathrow, London. I’ve posted about conventions before – blogging about what I wish I’d known for my first convention and five tips from my second convention. It’s been particularly interesting attending a different convention …
Essence of Green :: July
July marked the improvement of 2015. Drama still occurred and things were still stressful, but generally, it turned out to be a pretty good month. Fingers crossed the second half of this year will be better than the first. My new …
Word of the Year :: Six Months In — Part 2
I spoke last week about how I’ve fallen into a negativity trap and am trying to be kind. I’ve been deliberately making choices to have a positive impact on the world – trying to speak kindly, and supporting charities and friends. But that’s only …
Word of the Year :: Six Months In
At the beginning of the year, I made a commitment to pay attention to my behaviours and thoughts. I picked a ‘word of the year‘ – a guiding principle and conscious focus for my choices. Since leaving university, I’ve lost my weekly …

Ready Player 3: Character Swapping for Fun and Profit
Today we have a guest post from Ellie Di Julio; author of the Forgotten Relics series, about how she picked point of view characters in her latest book. I’m going to let you in on a little authorly secret. Ready? When …
Essence of Green :: June
We’re at the half-way mark. So far this year, I’ve written 31,209 words. I’ve submitted two short stories, had one published and submitted a magazine article. My mum is recovering well, although her care plan will shift with her needs and …