Welcome to the Weekend Writing Warriors post. The idea is to sign up on their site and share 8 sentences of your writing, published or unpublished, to go live between midday Saturday and 9am Sunday. Then anyone can comment (critiques welcome!) on …
Weekend Writing Warriors :: #2
Welcome to the Weekend Writing Warriors post. The idea is to sign up on their site and share 8 sentences of your writing, published or unpublished, to go live between midday Saturday and 9am Sunday. Then anyone can comment (critiques welcome!) on …
Beta Reading
“I can say with absolute certainty that you need someone to look over your work and give you blunt, constructive feedback. People need outside perspectives on their writing to show them the flaws they cannot see. With that in mind, a lot …
The Next Big Thing Meme: Seven Sisters
A few weeks ago, I shared information about Planes Shifter and Planes Walker, as I was tagged by C. R. Trumbo in a Blog Hop called The Next Big Thing. I’ve just begun revising my summer project of 2010, Seven Sisters and thought …
Weekend Writing Warriors :: 8 lines
Welcome to my first week with the Weekend Writing Warriors. The idea is to sign up on their site and share 8 sentences of your writing, published or unpublished, to go live between midday Saturday and 9am Sunday. Then anyone can comment …
Writing Exercise: Characters
“I’d love to write a novel.” I’m hearing this phrase more and more in my life. Last week, my mother said it on the phone. And I snapped. The Conversation K. R. : “Yeah? Then write one.” M : “Oh, …