Writer Life & Lessons

WFC2013 – Excitement Builds

GE DIGITAL CAMERAThis post has been sitting in my “drafts” section since the 17th of August. Despite some of the blogs around the web saying that they received the programming grid for WFC11/12 (i.e. the schedule of talks/events for the convention) a few weeks before the dates, with thirty days to go, there’s still no sign for this year. And the actual posts about “here’s what I’ll be doing” are usually less than a week before. So I’m not getting my hopes up before the 24th for a look at what we can attend.

As my friend and I will need to navigate trains, meals and things we may want to do together/separately, this is a little frustrating. We looked over the programme of last year, deciding what we would have attended and to familiarise ourselves with how many things happen at once. This is particularly important as there seem to be two different streams of “panels” alongside readings – so you may have four things to choose from all at the same time!

However, ignoring the lack of knowledge about what the panels may cover, I have two things to be excited about already.

– Sir Terry Pratchett will be attending one of the days. Talk about exciting. I’ve never read his work, but I’ve seen his documentary on Alzheimers and I love one of the movies based on one of his novels.  I certainly intend to read some of his novels at some point.

– I’ve successfully grabbed a spot at a “kaffeeklatch”. This means that I will be one of twenty people sitting around a table with two awesome people (and of course, nineteen other possibly-also-awesome people) discussing publishing in detail for nearly an hour. With coffee and biscuits. My friend Sorcha will be doing the same, although she’s elected to chat with an author instead.

Of course, I’m excited about it all. The convention will allow me to meet others who are interested in writing – editors, agents and writers alike. Some of these people include those who write blogs that I read. It’s also an excuse to spend four days back in Brighton, which is a town I’m fond of.

So although I’m itching to see what kind of events will be at this year’s convention, I have two things pencilled in to be excited about.

The one day Sir Terry is said to be attending, and the coffee chat (which I know the day and time of already).

And since I don’t really drink coffee, I’ll be the one scoffing the biscuits.


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