Ignoring the fact it is June September by the time this post goes up, my aim of reading 12 books was set again for 2019… I can at last share that I finally finished a book this year. And even …
My Reading Challenge for 2019
For 2019, rather than focus on a number of books and rushing to reach the goal, I want to finish the books I’ve started. As usual, I AM still aiming for 12 books this year, but my main focus will be on …
Book Reviews :: 2018 :: Part IV
2018’s reading aim is very much about getting back into the habit of reading, and picking books that will help me grow towards my personal goals. I used to post these each quarter, but my reading habits are not consistent …
NaNoWriMo 2018: Reading versus Writing
Traditionally, I avoid reading fiction during October and November, because when my brain is lost for words, it’s easy to end with a slight (or more obvious) copy of aspects if they are too familiar, too recently read. However, this …
Book Reviews :: 2018 :: Part III
2018’s reading aim is very much about getting back into the habit of reading, and picking books that will help me grow towards my personal goals. Part I is here. And Part II is here. And here are reviews for …
Thoughts on Bravery
In case you don’t know, I write novels and short stories, and share my thoughts on reading alongside this. I also support lifelong learners, practical dreamers and wild creatives to move from overwhelmed, burnt out and anxious about being ‘realistic’ to …