When I did my A-level in English Language, my tutor wrote in my university reference that I could easily study it at degree level. Despite the fact the reference was for a BSc in Psychology. Although this was two years before …

The “Writer” Fairytale
Two weeks ago, I let myself look at Planes Shifter for the first time since I printed it out — having forced myself not to look at it for a month and to focus on Resilience instead. This was the …

January Update: Goals
At the beginning of the year I set myself four goals: track my daily wordcount, write a minimum of once a week, “sort out Resilience” and “submit my manuscript to someone by July 1st.” So, January is over, and it’s …

What 2013 Taught Me About Being a Writer
This year surprised me. I started two new novels entirely. I edited Planes Shifter to the point where it makes sense. I went to writing workshops, meetups and a convention. Here are thirteen things I learned: – If you go …

Farewell, 2013.
Dear 2013, You’ve been a fun, inspiring and challenging year. I’ve had moments where I felt on top of the world, and I’ve cried more than I have in prior years put together. Before you leave, here’s what we did …
Twenty Books that Shaped Me
Yesterday I saw the post “10 Books I Can’t Shake” on Ellie’s blog, and when I went to leave a comment with the books that have stuck with me, I realised this is something I would love to share; so …