Writer Life & Lessons

Plot-Seeking in Favourite Films

plotting novelThis week I began my novel re-write following the newly-fixed plot line [fingers crossed!]

Taking a NaNoWriMo approach – just writing each scene as it comes, and not letting myself edit anything other than spelling mistakes and clear grammatical issues – I’ve been watching old movies (mainly Disney) for inspiration, and looking for the writing devices within.

For example, last night I watched The Little Mermaid, and when King Triton [spoiler alert!] tries to use his trident to destroy the contract, it doesn’t work.

I actually went “Ahar! A limitation on magic!” out loud. Because I’m that cool.

And the key characters who “might fix things” are given backgrounds. When Sebastian [spoiler alert!] sings “Kiss the Girl”, we already know he’s musical – he’s sung “Under the Sea” and was introduced as a court composer.

How do you get inspiration for or try to learn about plotting?


This weekend I’m spending time with my mum and cats; there will be some time for writing amidst a choir concert, shopping and most likely a bottle of wine.

Have a good weekend!

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