Day-to-Day Writer Life & Lessons

Essence of Green :: May

IMG_20150602_162956We’re five months into the year, and things are changing all around us. Spring blossoms towards Summer, and the land is full of new life. New possibilities.

Little seeds sown since April bloomed, and I kept silent about much of it.

Reflections on the Journey

May was tiring. I spent the first two-weeks almost entirely in tears. Turns out that dealing with wedding planning, mortgage/house-hunting, job-changes and my mum having a ten-hour operation to remove cancer just left me with nothing but tears.

Thankfully, our National Health Service is amazing. The staff are over-worked, under-paid and barely manage to eat a cereal bar during a 13-hour shift — yet they saved my mum. I am so grateful to every person working ridiculous hours for ridiculously small money and going above their duty to reassure and care for patients — I appreciate you. I know your shift ended at 4:30 and yet it’s 5:45 and you’re just leaving the building. What you do is amazing. Thank you.

And due to all of that fun stuff, I wrote practically nothing. But I don’t care. June is another month.

i. Measuring my Words

This month I wrote 2,503 words. At this moment, I don’t care a jot about that wordcount. I wrote something, and I did a lot of general writing research (writing excuses podcast, reading blogs, note-taking of ideas) so I’m happy.

ii. Work Towards Submission by …

I’m aiming to have a completed story by September, as per goal iv. Hopefully, I can submit that one around the end of the year.

iii. Read 24 Books 

8 / 10 completed. I completed the first Codex Alera book, and then read a tidying book mostly because it was a quick read, but also because I’m looking at de-cluttering with the upcoming move. I need to finish reading this second CBT book by the end of July so that one will likely happen in June.

iv. Two Completed Novel-length Stories (Four-Month Cycle)

Planes Shifter is still with a beta reader. I’m working on a short story, and I’m back on track with the Felled Gods draft.


Closing the Gate…

This Month:

* My mum visited us and we played tennis.

* My mum had a ten-hour operation. I visited her just before she went in, where we shopped, walked and played Wii games. Things went fairly well, and I’m so grateful to the NHS workers who were involved in any way in her treatment plan.

* Visited mum in hospital a few more times; even played a game of scrabble with her and OH on our last one.

* Other Half signed some papers regarding our hand-fasting, and that means I now officially have someone I can legally marry. (I did this bit in March.) Huzzah.

* I met our photographer and her dog, and dropped off paperwork.

* OH and I played tennis 9 times this month, which I counted as my “get out of the house” health goal instead of walking.

* We spoke to someone briefly about how mortgages work. Scary and exciting ideas followed.

* I asked for change at work. Not quite able to share the full story yet, but it’s an exciting change.

* We heard where OH’s work needs him to move to. Let the house-hunting commence!

* I voted in the general election.


The Opening Door…

Next Month:

* Visiting mum at home.

* Processing the work changes.

* I aim to continue drawing and walking.

* I’ll continue drafting The Felled Gods.

* I hope to finish and submit a short story.

How was your month?

What wilderness are you wandering into next month?

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