Day-to-Day Writer Life & Lessons

Big Changes :: Sharing My News

Meet Willow

I’ve been alluding to news and changes here and on Twitter, but I wanted to ensure I had everything in writing, and that the relevant people knew before I shared it publicly. As I’ve just emailed the grandparents, here goes.

In the first week of May, I gave in my notice of resignation at my day-job.

I’ve worked in children’s services for two and a half years, and continued working sporadically for a young person’s (16-25) mental health project a few days a year since 2010. Now, I’ll be working full time in the field of adult mental health, focusing on people with experience of depression, anxiety and OCD.

I’m excited for this new opportunity, although it brings with it many changes. Until we move house, it will be a longer commute for me, and that means two hours less to write each weekday. I’ll also be working slightly different hours, as the odd weekend and evening shifts are part of the contract.

Then, the move itself is full of change. I accepted this job in May, because we thought (quite strongly!) we’d have to move house. We only received written confirmation for my other half’s job move a week ago. This made things a bit tense for a while, but now we know where to look at houses. Thankfully, it’s close to the new job, too.

Turns out house hunting is quite stressful. I’m staying focused on pets, as we want cats in our new place.

As I’m sure you know, the best writers had cats, coffee and whiskey, so fingers crossed everything goes smoothly for us to adopt kitties. You all read this blog for the sporadic cat pictures, right?

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