You may be aware that alongside my daily 429 words of Planes Shifter, I’ve been planning a new novel, which I’m lovingly referring to online as TFG. All I’ll say is that one of the characters is based on this star… …
Easter Book Discussions
Happy Easter to those who celebrate. Despite being in my twenties, I try to return to my mum’s house for the Easter weekend, where the Easter Bunny still visits (although that’s not the only reason I visit). This morning, I’m eating my …
WFC Panel: The Best of All Possible Worlds
Saturday began much better than Friday had. Having attended five hour-long slots on Friday, with a mixture of enjoyment, uncertainty and “this isn’t really for me”, I was pleasantly surprised by Saturday morning. It began with The Best of All Possible …

WFC Panel: Broads With Swords
Friday continued at the convention with “Broads with Swords” at 4pm. I arrived a few minutes later (as did about 25% of the room) as Terry Pratchett in Conversation ran over, and it was mostly a big list of female …
WFC Panel: The End Is Now
Friday continued at the convention with “The End is Now” at 2pm . Panellists were: Kathleen Ann Goonan, Peter F. Hamilton, William F. Nolan, Samantha Shannon, S. M. Stirling, Tricia Sullivan. My Notes – If anything changes socially, then it …
WFC Panel: Writing Historical Fantasy
The first panel I attended at World Fantasy Convention 2013 was “Writing Historical Fantasy” at 3pm on Thursday. Panellists were: Aidan Harte, Helen Marshall, Sophia McDougall, Tim Powers, Mark Charan Newton & Kari Sperring. My Notes Tim Powers said “I …