Back in September 2013, I wrote this post about my “top 10 writing tools” and I recently went to link to it in answer to a question about things to go in a NaNoWriMo survival kit…. and realised how things …

Back in September 2013, I wrote this post about my “top 10 writing tools” and I recently went to link to it in answer to a question about things to go in a NaNoWriMo survival kit…. and realised how things …
I spoke in my last post about how I haven’t written fiction since April. I also began scrap-booking in that first week of April: in fact, on April 6th. My last day of writing. Equally, my own version of a …
So, this week marks the beginning of our 50,000-words-in-30-days challenge. Are we ready? Who knows. Here’s a quick checklist I’m going through this weekend… Food -> I have 3 packets of my motivational-food-of-choice: caramel digestive biscuits. I have dried fruit and …
So, it’s nearing the end of October and I have… for some reason, decided to try #NaNoWriMo again this year. I have a LOT going on, so even as I type this I’m starting to doubt if it was such a …
This weekend my husband and I are travelling. There’s an event he’s attending Saturday morning, and because the location is 150 miles away, we’re making a weekend of it. I won’t be taking my laptop, which in a way, is …
I’ve taken part in seven National Novel Writing Month‘s across eight years. This year, I’m focusing on a new project, which I’m currently fleshing out. That’s the joy of October: I get to explore the characters, setting, and attempt to …