Books & Writers

Book Reviews :: 2018 :: Part II

With an aim to complete 12 books in 2018, I am running a bit late. However, this year I’ve also found myself completing e-courses which include 300-page e-books which aren’t officially recognised on traditional platforms. I’ve completed 2 courses of that size, which, if they were a book – would have evened things up.

Either way, here are reviews for books four, five and six of 2018.


April :: Go the F**k to Sleep – Adam Mansbach

I shouldn’t really count this here. I don’t have much to say. A few of the rhymes were forced and we bought it as a bit of a joke. A funny present, but I read it, so damn it, I’m putting it on this list. 


July :: Bare Naked Bravery – Emily Ann Peterson

5 Stars

I began reading this book in April. I was in my old job, struggling to keep my own well-being up, while supporting others through mental health difficulties. To write a full review of this book would take thousands of words, so I will simply state how it has changed me.

Although my own self-work and coaching support often covers creativity and bravery in some form, this book used an entirely new language to help me see how others might experience it.

I found myself highlighting a sentence every 4-5 pages; something that felt too resonant to let go of immediately. Nothing in this book was a new tool to me, because I am myself obsessed with building resilience and unlocking our inner courage. However, that sense of recognising that fire in someone else was inspiring. Seeing how it shapes not just myself or my friends, but someone 3,000 miles away with completely different experiences: it was enlightening if only for that sense of community.

As Emily talks about in her book, reading this helped me feel Resonant Bravery.  Every experience and feeling I recongised from her life, sparked a little bravery within myself. A tiny ember sparking into life once more.

[ I share my thoughts in more detail here]


August :: Who The F*ck Am I To Be A Coach?!: A Warrior’s Guide to Building a Wildly Successful Coaching Business From the Inside Out – Megan Jo Wilson

4.5 Stars

This was a little cheerleading-style inspiration book. I did find myself pulling away from a chapter on grace which had a little too many mentions of God for my brain to quite comprehend, but overall, a lovely little book for those moments where we all need a little boost to that inner fire.

I do like reading about others experiences, so that was definitely part of the charm. Equally, some good insights for the reader to consider as they explore the options of their own coaching role.


Are you on-track with your reading goals for 2018? 


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