Processing a Visual Block

I mentioned in my last post that I’m in the midst of editing Planes Shifter. This is planned to be the second-to-last edit, because I’m aiming to submit to at least one agent by July 1st. Following this draft, a …

Stages of a Novel

Depending on the novel or the author, the stages which each draft of a story must pass through changes. But I believe the common list goes something like this: 1. Idea / Plot 2. Write 3. Leave for a month (in …

February Update: Goals

At the beginning of the year I set myself four goals: track my daily wordcount, write a minimum of once a week, “sort out” Resilience, and submit my manuscript to someone by July 1st. February is over, and it’s time …

An Example of Tension

This week, my other half introduced me to the Batman Movies. *Spoiler Alert* In The Dark Knight Rises, there is a scare that no one must cross this particular bridge. We’ve been following Police Officer Blake, who knows that irrespective …