Over the past two months, I’ve been planning a novel, currently referred to as TFG, with a focus on birds, cats and seasons. As you do. When I began the planning of this idea in April, I decided to really plot …

June Update: Goals
Six months passed. June was so busy that July seemed to begin with a whimper. At the beginning of the year I set myself four goals: track my daily wordcount, write a minimum of once a week, “sort out” Resilience, …
Liebster Survey :: A Blog Prompt
Last week (or likely three weeks ago now) I was nominated by Janna for the Liebster Award. Thank you very much for thinking of me. I always have a 50:50 feeling about participating in these things, which probably comes across as rudeness since I …
Patience in Projects
I spend a lot of my time watching comedy DVDS. A comedy show takes time to write. It is is tested out on friends and family, then a long string of tour dates to tweak the jokes and see what …
A Collection of Collisions: A Photo Journal
This week things are coming to meet – of the Sekrit Projects and fun days out — the pending decisions, applications, meetings and deadlines are all joining in the next two-to-three weeks, and the panic’s setting in. I’m behind on …
Writerly Musings :: Mid June Update
This weekend, my friend Sammy had her book launch, at a cat cafe. Need I say more? It was brilliant. ~ The book is “In Search of Gods and Heroes” by Sammy HK Smith,which is available at good bookstores; both online …