We’re five months into the year, and things are changing all around us. Spring blossoms towards Summer, and the land is full of new life. New possibilities. Little seeds sown since April bloomed, and I kept silent about much of it. Reflections on the Journey May was tiring. …
Getting Back On Track
Things are finally settling down. I’m almost able to tell you my news on a project, my mum is recovering well in hospital despite some post-operative complications, and after six weeks of high anxiety and tired brain – I’m writing again. …
Morning Reflections on Not Writing
I haven’t been writing this month. In the last twenty-four days, I have written 103 words. 62 on an old story I planned to pick up, and the rest on a novel I can’t really start yet, as my attempted outline …

On Balancing Creative Pursuits
As a child, I spent the school holidays with my grandparents, where I grew up with a mixture of gardening, painting and rambling. But each holiday, we would visit a nature-y place, and take a creative class. Throughout the years, I learned to sew, cross-stitch, cook, …
Managing Anxieties :: A Health Update
Today my mother goes into hospital, and on Thursday, she’ll have a 10-hour operation. She’ll be in hospital 3-4 weeks. I am so so grateful for the NHS. It’s a pretty big deal, and it’s made the past four months emotionally draining. …
Dissecting Stories: Plot Twists
This weekend my partner introduced me to the Anime series “Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.” Across three days, we watched the 64 episodes with me asking extra questions on occasion to ensure I’d understood the concepts and back-story correctly. The series is technically a sequel …