It’s that time of year again — time to talk about Ellie Di Julio‘s Forgotten Relics series. I’ve been blessed to be one of Ellie’s beta-readers for each of these books, and I thoroughly recommend them. Considering how much I loved …
Conversations & Giving Blood
Today I gave my first 470 ml of blood to the National Health Service. When I’ve looked into it previously, the place, time and day was the main barrier. From clashing work hours, no transport to a far place and …
Weekend WIP #12
It turns out I scheduled posts for every week except this one. Oops. As things are still up in the air, here’s a brief weekend works-in-progress update. 1) I submitted a short story to an anthology last week. 2) A magazine article …
Book Reviews of 2015 :: Part 1
Last year I began posting book reviews on the website, and it not only helped me remember what I’d read, and helped authors in the process, but gave me some insight into the books I read and thus, what inspires …
My Mini-Interview: Bearded Scribe Press
Last week a mini-interview was posted up at the Bearded Scribe Press blog. Since I’m trying to get back into a regular blog-posting schedule, I figured it was better to post now than never! Want to know how I got …
Big Changes :: Sharing My News
I’ve been alluding to news and changes here and on Twitter, but I wanted to ensure I had everything in writing, and that the relevant people knew before I shared it publicly. As I’ve just emailed the grandparents, here goes. …