In November 2016, I became involved in the local NaNoWriMo community. I attended local write-ins, and joined a Discord server to chat with others in my timezone/area about how they were progressing. There were 3-4 specific people who seemed to …

In November 2016, I became involved in the local NaNoWriMo community. I attended local write-ins, and joined a Discord server to chat with others in my timezone/area about how they were progressing. There were 3-4 specific people who seemed to …
November is National Novel Writing Month. The aim is to write the first 50,000 words of new fiction, from scratch. There are allowable tweaks and rebellion versions, but this year, I went for the plain, old, NaNo. My 8th attempt. …
“We begin in the heart of the darkness. Winter is full upon the Earth; snow veils the landscape, thin trees are brittle with ice, and stars shatter the black mirror of the sky.” :: Michelle Morgan :: November …
This is my eighth year taking part in National Novel Writing Month. If you missed the first eighteen days, Click Here for Part I, and Here for Part II. This was week 3-to-4 of NaNoWriMo, and we have 5 days …
This is my eighth year taking part in National Novel Writing Month. If you missed the first ten days, Click Here for Part I. This was week 2.5 of NaNoWriMo. Aim for Day 18: 30,000 My Count on Day 18: …
This is my eighth year taking part in National Novel Writing Month. I began a whole new setting, character collection and plot idea. I always feel stunted in plotting until I’ve written the first couple of scenes, so on Day …