Twenty Books that Shaped Me

Yesterday I saw the post “10 Books I Can’t Shake” on Ellie’s blog, and when I went to leave a comment with the books that have stuck with me, I realised this is something I would love to share; so …


I’m moving. Possibly into a place with limited/no internet for a while. Thus, service here may be sporadic for a couple of weeks.   During this time I will be: – unpacking – reading Throne of Glass (Sarah J Maas) and …

A Ray of Sunshine

The wonderful author of Think Ink and co-founder of Sprink Shack, Skye Fairwin has nominated me for The Sunshine Award. This is an award for bloggers who “positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere,” so thank you Skye for nominating …

WFC Panel: Broads With Swords

Friday continued at the convention with “Broads with Swords” at 4pm. I arrived a few minutes later (as did about 25% of the room) as Terry Pratchett in Conversation ran over, and it was mostly a big list of female …

WFC Panel: The End Is Now

Friday continued at the convention with “The End is Now” at 2pm . Panellists were: Kathleen Ann Goonan, Peter F. Hamilton, William F. Nolan, Samantha Shannon, S. M. Stirling, Tricia Sullivan. My Notes – If anything changes socially, then it …