
Essence of Green :: February 2024

It’s March – which means i’s time to review January and February.

Let’s do this.

I’ve been focusing a lot on my wellbeing as the last 3 months have kicked my arse. Without going into details, my ex changed his mind on an agreement at the beginning of December, and that extra stress plus health stuff, worries about relatives, paperwork, mould in my flat, publishing delays and pet health all accumulated.

So I’ve definitely had a rockier start to the year than I had planned, but we’re getting there.


Reflections on the Journey:


i. Read 6 books (& Take Notes): – Tick. I’ve definitely not been reading every day but a solid 2-3 times a week is still going, which is great. I’ve actually completed 3 books as of the end of February, so I’m officially half-way through my new lower annual goal. I’ll be posting the reviews shortly but the 3 books were Unmasking Autism by Devon Price, Chosen by K.F. Breene, and The Survivor’s Quest by HealingJourney. 
ii. Continue Weekly Therapy:Tick. Had a physiotherapy appointment, got a review with my GP this week, and I’ve had therapy every week I’ve been able to. 
iii. Return to Daily Journaling :Half-tick. I’ve not been great at this, but also not been “bad” at it either. I’m definitely building a habit back up. Bit by bit. And that’s enough.


iv. Track Fiction Wordcount: – Technically Tick – I’ve written one poem, which was more non-fiction than fiction.
v. Weekly Integration: – I’ve been ‘okay’ at this one. Again, not great, but not terrible either. Definitely been putting some things in my new folder of notes, and an album for screen shots on GPhotos which I’m keeping on top of. So… partial tick. 


vi. Build on my Healthy Habits: – Tick. I’ve missed one day of intermittent fasting (I went out with friends, had late night KFC then only managed 15 hours fasting before I needed to eat again) but otherwise, I’ve gone since December sticking to my IF routine. I found some ready meals that aren’t horrendous healthwise, and frozen veggies you can steam in the microwave in 2 mins, which are amazing. I’ve got an assessment with a team at my work who specifically help employees with disabilities in March, and a GP review this week.
vii. Movement 3x a Week: – Half-Tick. I exercised 16/30 days in January and 9/29 days in February. The week I am writing this I’m on track, so I’m definitely building up the muscle (mentally and physically!)
viii. Create a Cleaning Routine: – January and February I began ‘logging’ when I currently do certain tasks – I’m descaling the kettle monthly, and I had to get friends and my parents help me clean the mould while I was in a fibro flare and couldn’t do it myself. Baby steps.


ix. Socialise Monthly With Friends: – Tick! I spent New Year’s Eve at a friend’s flat, visited an old housemate and an old school friend in January, and had 2 outings with local friends in February. So I think this is a major win for this introvert.
x. About Reinvention and Creativity: – I’ve sent one newsletter in January, zero Medium posts, and I’ve yet to finalise a podcast episode.
xi. Access Nature: – I’ve not been great about this, but I did go out to Avebury, Woodhenge, the Beach, and the Hawk Conservancy in January with my best friend, and went for a walk in a woodland this morning. In the Summer, I’d like to get outside in nature at least once a month, but being aware of getting back outside is something for me to focus on. 


xii. Build on Skills: – I have not done much for either of these. I did complete another module of my RMT Coaching qualification in January and then fell off the wagon, and I’m still on my Duolingo streak. I’ve not touched the OBOD course, but I did go to an Open ceremony and performed (!) in front of the group for the Eisteddfod, which was an amazing experience. 


How were your first 8 weeks? What are your plans for the next 2 months?

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