Writer Life & Lessons

Sekrit Projects Abound

home 004I had hoped by now to share an update about my Sekrit Project; but until there’s something solid, I can’t. I keep getting to the final stage and then something lets it down. Sometimes that something is me, and sometimes it isn’t.

There are also now two backup plans. If I don’t get through to something solid by mid-July; I will have to pick one of them — and then I’ll be able to share what this is all about.

Alongside this project (now in attempt 8, I believe — they do say perseverance is a key skill for a writer, right?) I’ve also agreed to undertake a few smaller projects. One’s mental health related [and paid to boot, huzzah] and one has options of skill-sharing as payment. Then there’s a third one it I can get through the competition.

I’m very good at keeping other people’s secrets quiet. But when it comes to my own life; these are things I’d love to talk about. However, some things just need to be set in stone [or at least an email confirmation] before I share them.

But it’s nearly the end of May, and I will be speaking about one of those projects in my monthly update, so stay tuned!

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