Writing Process - Drafting

Writing through Spilled Wine

home 002My laptop is a few years old now, but it mostly works.

Two of the USB ports don’t work, there’s a thin light line across one corner of the screen, I can’t use the “2” button on the number pad, or the up, right and down arrow keys. Sometimes the Left Shift, A, S, and D keys stick. But it’s workable.

Or it was…

Friday night, I dropped a couple of splodges (read: quite a few..) of wine into the keyboard, and when I tried to type a message on skype; this is what came out:


Yeah. I don’t know either…

So I turned it off, left it overnight upside down, with some loo roll protecting the screen. But when it awoke in the morning, it was not very well.


So here I am; with keyboard removed, and external hardware plugged in. Which is mostly frustrating because I only have two USB ports and need mouse, keyboard and fan-pad since the laptop overheats very easily.

Mostly though, I’m proud of my uninterrupted #writechain goal — I had written 106 words at lunchtime on Friday, so typed what I thought was a continuation of that scene into Evernote on my phone. Yesterday, I plugged in the external keyboard and got another 500 words down. This morning I wrote another 900.

So my #writechain is currently at 54 days. That’s 54 days in a row that I’ve written 429+ words. In fact, in 54 days I’ve written 37,600 words. Which isn’t bad, I guess.

And not even a broken keyboard/laptop will stop me.

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