Did you know that S. M. Boyce thinks blue cheese smells like feet, is a month younger than Harry Potter, wrote a story about a lonely pickle and that she doesn’t really drink hot drinks? Back in April, C. R. Trumbo …
Writing Exercise: Characters
“I’d love to write a novel.” I’m hearing this phrase more and more in my life. Last week, my mother said it on the phone. And I snapped. The Conversation K. R. : “Yeah? Then write one.” M : “Oh, …

Knowing the Details
“It’s only a skeleton.” “He’s eating a biscuit.” “It’s just standing there. It’s not even making woo-woo noises!” At the weekend, I watched the Hogfather. It’s one of my go-to movies in terms of studying story-telling. The characterisation always makes …

Novel Planning: Plotter vs Pantser
Different writers plan in different ways. The two most common ‘types’ of planner are those who “plot” their novels out, and those who “fly by the seat of their pants”. Personally, I’m a plotter. I think. “oh, a girl, who …