Skipping Scenes

This week has been manic. My role at day-job is shifting, and I’ve begun doing some of the new-style work which takes a bit of getting used to. This weekend I’m in Dorset, and tomorrow I’ve got an important meeting followed …

Trusting the Flow

I’m re-writing the beginning of Planes Shifter from scratch. I’m checking and re-checking my five main sub-plots to ensure I don’t veer off too far from them this time. But this is almost like a new story without those extra plot-hole-fillers I’d added …

plotting novel

Plot-Seeking in Favourite Films

This week I began my novel re-write following the newly-fixed plot line [fingers crossed!] Taking a NaNoWriMo approach – just writing each scene as it comes, and not letting myself edit anything other than spelling mistakes and clear grammatical issues – I’ve been watching …

Hitting The Wall

At the weekend, I analysed my novel and found that I had 18 subplots: which explains why I’ve had to do so many editing “passes.” Even 250k epics don’t have 18 subplots in the first 100k – Which is why …

Processing a Visual Block

I mentioned in my last post that I’m in the midst of editing Planes Shifter. This is planned to be the second-to-last edit, because I’m aiming to submit to at least one agent by July 1st. Following this draft, a …