
At the end of December I printed off Planes Shifter. It’s 411 A5 pages double-spaced. And having hole-punched the lot, I put it in my writing binder and pushed it out of sight. I gave myself a minimum of three …

Goal-Setting for 2014

Since 2009, I’ve picked a word for my year instead of resolutions. Then I began adding goals, and one year, that worked amazingly well for me. For 2014, I’ve picked a few goals around de-cluttering ready to move house, balance …

Farewell, 2013.

Dear 2013, You’ve been a fun, inspiring and challenging year. I’ve had moments where I felt on top of the world, and  I’ve cried more than I have in prior years put together. Before you leave, here’s what we did …

Career Choice: Writer

Having taken three days off from my day-job to attend the convention, I went back to work feeling a bit out of place. For four days I was a “professional writer”, whose only duty was to read, write, sign things, …