Story Structure Tools

Sometimes writers fall into trappings of their own enthusiasm (see also: madness). With this being something like my seventh major re-write of Planes Shifter, I’m trying not to make the same mistakes as my last draft. If I’m going to …

Hitting The Wall

At the weekend, I analysed my novel and found that I had 18 subplots: which explains why I’ve had to do so many editing “passes.” Even 250k epics don’t have 18 subplots in the first 100k – Which is why …

An Example of Tension

This week, my other half introduced me to the Batman Movies. *Spoiler Alert* In The Dark Knight Rises, there is a scare that no one must cross this particular bridge. We’ve been following Police Officer Blake, who knows that irrespective …

Tracking my Wordcount

Welcome to 2014.  One of my goals for this year is  to track how much I write. I’m vaguely aiming to continue meeting my WriteChain goal of 429 words a day (3,000 a week), but mostly, I want to know …