It’s May 2013. I began writing my first novel in November 2009. Including that first attempt, I’ve begun seven novels. But it wasn’t until October 2012 that I decided I liked one enough to try and make it work. My …
Lists and Plans
Last week I wrote about seeing my writing as a second career and talked about what I’ve been doing to move things forward. This week, I decided to make a concrete list of steps forward, so that I can measure how …
Creating Deadlines
If you had a look at my old writing resume, you’ll have noticed that in the last two months I’ve been focusing on submissions. And this week, I attended a local writing group. I used to be part of a creative …

Novel Planning: Plotter vs Pantser
Different writers plan in different ways. The two most common ‘types’ of planner are those who “plot” their novels out, and those who “fly by the seat of their pants”. Personally, I’m a plotter. I think. “oh, a girl, who …
The importance of publishing credits is a largely-debated aspect of the journey from “planning a piece of work” to “accepted and published”. I spent my spare time at university volunteering in the area I wanted to find work in. I …