Writerly Musings :: Mid June Update

This weekend, my friend Sammy had her book launch, at a cat cafe. Need I say more? It was brilliant. ~ The book is “In Search of Gods and Heroes” by Sammy HK Smith,which is available at good bookstores; both online …

Sekrit Projects Abound

I had hoped by now to share an update about my Sekrit Project; but until there’s something solid, I can’t. I keep getting to the final stage and then something lets it down. Sometimes that something is me, and sometimes …

Milestone: One Year

It’s been a year since I started this website. I’ve already written about the past year; when I said farewell to 2013, and reflected about key lessons.  So far in 2014, I’ve found flaws in Planes Shifter, began re-writing Resilience and …

Farewell, 2013.

Dear 2013, You’ve been a fun, inspiring and challenging year. I’ve had moments where I felt on top of the world, and  I’ve cried more than I have in prior years put together. Before you leave, here’s what we did …