In January 2012, I began writing Planes Shifter. It took nine months to complete, and then a further two months to edit into a second draft. When I received the first two bits of feedback from my two beta readers, …
Returning to Old Works
In the next six months, there are eight competitions that I could submit some part of my novels to. However, each novel can only be submitted to one place at a time. For someone who only has two finished drafts …
Every writer is different. Some people plan a story, then outline, before drafting it and then editing. They work on the same piece for months or years and then they have a wonderfully finished piece to begin showing to the …
On Wednesday night I passed the 100,000 word mark for Planes Shifter. For a fantasy novel, that’s still a little short. However, it’s the longest I’ve ever managed to get one story to be, and I’m not quite half-way through …
Redrafting a Novel
The first draft of Planes Shifter was around 78,000 words, and comprised of a girl finding a bird of prey, and together, they find love and go home to claim the throne. The second draft of Planes Shifter had all …