Dear 2013, You’ve been a fun, inspiring and challenging year. I’ve had moments where I felt on top of the world, and I’ve cried more than I have in prior years put together. Before you leave, here’s what we did …
Editing and Rewriting
Since attending the writer’s workshop at the beginning of the month, my head has been in over-drive. Time-scales, publishing options, lessons learnt, and the other participant’s views… And then I had a few comments about how much time I spend …
Blocks in Editing a Series
The Planes Series is my current work-in-progress. The important information about this series is that I began writing the first draft of the first book in January 2012. I finished it in October 2012. It’s now September 2013, and although …
Motivation: When It’s All On You
At work, I have deadlines, specific outcomes to achieve and timescales to follow. When writing a novel, this isn’t often the case. So we writers need to set ourselves deadlines instead. But if you’re anything like me, a self-set deadline …
Time to Write
All the books on writing suggest waking an hour early to write. Although I’m a “morning person”, meaning that once I’m awake, I tend to stay awake and get my best work done in the early part of the day, …
Routines and Priorities
It’s the end of June. It’s been three months since I began this blog and started taking the steps out of my comfort zone. In March, I created this website and began submitting short pieces, alongside sending my novel excerpts …