Hitting the First Big Block

(Click to enlarge) Last night I passed 20,000 words on the re-write. If I look at the uncompleted drafts in my pile of works, I see a trend in the point where I stopped working on them. Res – 24,595 SS – …

2014 Update: The First Quarter

The First Quarter in Statistics: Words Written:                        ~29,000 Pieces of WIP:                          Short, Novella, Planes Shifter, Resilience. Days written: …


At the end of December I printed off Planes Shifter. It’s 411 A5 pages double-spaced. And having hole-punched the lot, I put it in my writing binder and pushed it out of sight. I gave myself a minimum of three …

Tracking my Wordcount

Welcome to 2014.  One of my goals for this year is  to track how much I write. I’m vaguely aiming to continue meeting my WriteChain goal of 429 words a day (3,000 a week), but mostly, I want to know …

Goal-Setting for 2014

Since 2009, I’ve picked a word for my year instead of resolutions. Then I began adding goals, and one year, that worked amazingly well for me. For 2014, I’ve picked a few goals around de-cluttering ready to move house, balance …