
Managing Anxieties :: A Health Update

Today my mother goes into hospital, and on Thursday, she’ll have a 10-hour operation. She’ll be in hospital 3-4 weeks. I am so so grateful for the NHS.

It’s a pretty big deal, and it’s made the past four months emotionally draining. So many things are changing at once, and I haven’t been dealing with them as well as I would have liked. But things are progressing.

If you believe in sending positivity, please send some her way.

I didn’t know how to handle saying goodbye last night. She won’t be able to eat for a while, and they don’t allow flowers; so I made her an origami arctic fox instead.

So if the blog quietens, or I post randomly, I apologise. I hope to be back on track in a week or so,if things go to plan.

Thank you for bearing with the sporadic posting so far this year.

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