Different writers plan in different ways. The two most common ‘types’ of planner are those who “plot” their novels out, and those who “fly by the seat of their pants”. Personally, I’m a plotter. I think. “oh, a girl, who …
Submitting Short Pieces
I used to write poetry. Then I found novels. When it came to looking at the submission process last September, I realised I essentially had nothing to show for being a writer. Having recognised the important part that publishing credits can …
The first step of being a “recognised writer”, for me at least, was my first rejection letter. Because being rejected means I wrote something. I then sent it off, people actually read some of it, and they made a decision …
How I Began
Novels Through The Years A brief description of my journey from my first novel to now. 2009: I began writing my first novel in November 2009 for National Novel Writing Month, called VARIATIONS OF LIGHT. By the end, I was struggling …
The importance of publishing credits is a largely-debated aspect of the journey from “planning a piece of work” to “accepted and published”. I spent my spare time at university volunteering in the area I wanted to find work in. I …