Easter Book Discussions

Happy Easter to those who celebrate. Despite being in my twenties, I try to return to my mum’s house for the Easter weekend, where the Easter Bunny still visits (although that’s not the only reason I visit). This morning, I’m eating my …

Hitting the First Big Block

(Click to enlarge) Last night I passed 20,000 words on the re-write. If I look at the uncompleted drafts in my pile of works, I see a trend in the point where I stopped working on them. Res – 24,595 SS – …

Skipping Scenes

This week has been manic. My role at day-job is shifting, and I’ve begun doing some of the new-style work which takes a bit of getting used to. This weekend I’m in Dorset, and tomorrow I’ve got an important meeting followed …

Story Structure Tools

Sometimes writers fall into trappings of their own enthusiasm (see also: madness). With this being something like my seventh major re-write of Planes Shifter, I’m trying not to make the same mistakes as my last draft. If I’m going to …

2014 Update: The First Quarter

The First Quarter in Statistics: Words Written:                        ~29,000 Pieces of WIP:                          Short, Novella, Planes Shifter, Resilience. Days written: …

March Update: Goals

At the beginning of the year I set myself four goals: track my daily wordcount, write a minimum of once a week, “sort out” Resilience, and submit my manuscript to someone by July 1st. March is coming to an end, and …