Welcome to 2014. One of my goals for this year is to track how much I write. I’m vaguely aiming to continue meeting my WriteChain goal of 429 words a day (3,000 a week), but mostly, I want to know …

Welcome to 2014. One of my goals for this year is to track how much I write. I’m vaguely aiming to continue meeting my WriteChain goal of 429 words a day (3,000 a week), but mostly, I want to know …
This year surprised me. I started two new novels entirely. I edited Planes Shifter to the point where it makes sense. I went to writing workshops, meetups and a convention. Here are thirteen things I learned: – If you go …
Since 2009, I’ve picked a word for my year instead of resolutions. Then I began adding goals, and one year, that worked amazingly well for me. For 2014, I’ve picked a few goals around de-cluttering ready to move house, balance …
Dear 2013, You’ve been a fun, inspiring and challenging year. I’ve had moments where I felt on top of the world, and I’ve cried more than I have in prior years put together. Before you leave, here’s what we did …
Sunday – the final day of WFC. The first panel of the day was “By Any Other Name: What Makes an Author Change Their Byline?” which was confusing as I’d never heard the word “byline” before. Thankfully, the blurb made …
Following such an awesome panel on world-building, the agents panel was almost on par. Panellists were: Joshua Bilmes, Meg Davis, Ian Drury, Barry Goldblatt, John Jarrold, Juliet Mushens. My Notes Again, I wrote a lot of notes on this panel, …