On Sunday night, I finished editing the current draft of Planes Shifter. The Story Itself It began as “Wings of Skell” in January 2012. In September 2012, I saw the opportunity to send unagented submissions to a fantasy publisher and thought …
Fighting Discouragement
This morning I had another rejection email. I’ve been submitting flash fiction pieces here and there while I work on my novels. I don’t get too attached to these short pieces, and I don’t expect anything to come of the …
Creating Deadlines
If you had a look at my old writing resume, you’ll have noticed that in the last two months I’ve been focusing on submissions. And this week, I attended a local writing group. I used to be part of a creative …

Novel Planning: Plotter vs Pantser
Different writers plan in different ways. The two most common ‘types’ of planner are those who “plot” their novels out, and those who “fly by the seat of their pants”. Personally, I’m a plotter. I think. “oh, a girl, who …
Submitting Short Pieces
I used to write poetry. Then I found novels. When it came to looking at the submission process last September, I realised I essentially had nothing to show for being a writer. Having recognised the important part that publishing credits can …
The first step of being a “recognised writer”, for me at least, was my first rejection letter. Because being rejected means I wrote something. I then sent it off, people actually read some of it, and they made a decision …