Editing and Rewriting

Since attending the writer’s workshop at the beginning of the month, my head has been in over-drive. Time-scales, publishing options, lessons learnt, and the other participant’s views… And then I had a few comments about how much time I spend …

Thoughts from a Writing Workshop

At the beginning the month I attended a Novel in a Day workshop run by Victoria Connelly. I’d really recommend it, because despite owning about 25 “how to write books”, I still learned a lot. We did some practical exercises, …

The Fault In Our Stars – Review

It’s rare for me to read a book without knowing roughly what it’s about. But that’s what happened with this one – I knew the cover from bookshops, and remembered it was meant to be a good book. I grabbed …

Weekend Workshop

This weekend I’m flitting between Cambridge and Suffolk – attending a workshop and seeing my sister-in-writing, Sorcha. We’ve sat in Waterstones writing, planned and edited our novels and sat in front of a fire discussing our favourite books. Normal service shall …