This is my fifth attempt of writing 50,000 words of novel in 30 days. This year though, I’m using October and November as a two-month experiment into my writing process. It’s a mixture of easy and hard things, and sometimes …

This is my fifth attempt of writing 50,000 words of novel in 30 days. This year though, I’m using October and November as a two-month experiment into my writing process. It’s a mixture of easy and hard things, and sometimes …
Since attending the writer’s workshop at the beginning of the month, my head has been in over-drive. Time-scales, publishing options, lessons learnt, and the other participant’s views… And then I had a few comments about how much time I spend …
At the beginning the month I attended a Novel in a Day workshop run by Victoria Connelly. I’d really recommend it, because despite owning about 25 “how to write books”, I still learned a lot. We did some practical exercises, …
November 1st, 2009. I sat down at my laptop at University and began typing the introductory words of my first ever novel. National Novel Writing Month has been part of my year ever since, and I like to think I’ve …
It’s rare for me to read a book without knowing roughly what it’s about. But that’s what happened with this one – I knew the cover from bookshops, and remembered it was meant to be a good book. I grabbed …
This weekend I’m flitting between Cambridge and Suffolk – attending a workshop and seeing my sister-in-writing, Sorcha. We’ve sat in Waterstones writing, planned and edited our novels and sat in front of a fire discussing our favourite books. Normal service shall …